Better Together Mass Planner

Indicate the selections for your ceremony in the fields below.  All options for the prayers and readings can be found in the BETTER TOGETHER wedding ceremony planner, Planning a Great Wedding Ceremony.
Note: Your changes will not be saved until you click "Submit" at the bottom of the form.  There is not an option to save your responses and come back later.  Once you click "Submit," this form will be emailed to your priest, deacon, or marriage prep coordinator.
Bride Information
Groom Information
Celebrant Information
If applicable.
Church Information
Introductory Rite

The Liturgy of the Word

The Celebration of Matrimony

Option 1 is not available with Collect Option 2.

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Option 1 is not available with Collect Option 2.

The Conclusion of the Celebration